Alaska Nurse Practitioner Association
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Nurse Practitioner New

Homer, AK


Hiring Company

Sea Glo Med Spa + Wellness

Positions Available

Full Time, Part Time, Contract

Salary Information

$60 / hour

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Position Description

We are a modern aesthetic spa in Homer, Alaska with an excellent 17+ years reputation providing non-invasive skincare and beauty services based on good science and no gimmicks for real results. Our mission has grown to include non-invasive regenerative services grounded in holistic wellness and innovation using some of the very best modalities from around the world including PRF for the face, hair and sexual wellness, microneedling, laser facial rejuvenation, laser hair removal, hormone pellet therapy, weight loss injections/management, nutritional iVs and injections, botox and PRF fillers, and more!  Our training opportunities are Cadillac for safety and results.  We do our best to offer the best in advanced, non-invasive esthetic treatments and love to serve our community!  

**Medical director compensation and profit sharing in addition to hourly wage. 

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